December 18, 2024
A big thanks to the photo school Fatamorgana for inviting me to a portfolio review of the student's work.
Photo: Morten Nilsson

December 10, 2024
Jelly and bubbles from 2023.

October 20, 2024
Portraits of Head of Development & Innovation Stine Thorsgaard Kjær and Editor-in-Chief Rikke Bekker at TV2 Østjylland.
Shot for TV2 Østjylland.

September 12, 2024
Two July landscapes 2024.

July 10, 2024
Last week Havmøllen presented the musician Guldimund with his beautiful songs and incredible musicians and cooked delicious food for 500 people. I am happy that I was assigned to document this blissed evening.

June 17, 2024
A little bit from the month of May.

May 17, 2024
On the 25th of May, the studios at Maltfabrikken, Skindergade 5, Galleri Vaerk and Galleri Vandret presents a day of art, literature, music, food and workshops: When the wisteria blooms. On this day I invite you to the opening of the photo exhibition 'An incessant shower of atoms'. A collection of photographs depicting the eternal flow of emotions, moments, thoughts and sensations that change all the time. The pictures are all photographed within a 30 meter radius in and around my home.

May 14, 2024
Mikkel Hammer Elming, Director at Glas – Museum of glass art in Ebeltoft. Photographed for the museum.

April 15, 2024
A few stills from video about the houseshare Ålykke. Filmed and edited for Syddjurs Kommune.

February 13, 2024
2023 details.

December 21, 2023
Changing of the seasons.
»Then she awakes
Reaches for the embrace
He decides not
To worry about seasons again«
- Ane Brun

December 2, 2023
December road, 2023.

September 27, 2023
»Jeg har brug for at vide, hvornår fællesskabet slutter. Hvornår jeg kan komme hjem til mig selv igen«.
Madanmelder og podcastværk Lærke Kløvedal voksede op alene med sin mor i Thy, mens hele Danmark fulgte med i hendes fars eventyrlige rejser på de syv verdenshave. Det har taget hende et helt liv at acceptere, at hun ikke har arbeet hans udlængsel, men hans længsel og evnen til at blive berørt af alt det smukke. Det er der kommet en bog ud af, hvor hun fortæller om at gå kold i fællesskaber - og om at have fundet ro i sit eget sneglehus på Amager, af alle steder!
Read whole interview here (in Danish)
Photographed for Højskolebladet. October Issue 2023.
Text by Sofie Buch Hoyer.

September 15, 2023
August diary.

September 7, 2023
Official photos of writer Rasmus Theisen who release his second novelle 'Molbohistorier' today on Antipyrine to praising reviews. The book is a new take on the traditional tales of people from the area Mols where Rasmus grew up and where I live.
Buy the book via the publisher here

July 30, 2023
Fornæs Ship Recycling in Grenå, DK and their manager Keld Kokholm for Der Spiegel. July 2023.

July 15, 2023
June 2023. Diary.

May 1, 2023
Historian and writer Christian Egander Skov won Weekendavisen's literature prize i January with the debate book 'Borgerlig krise'. Photographed for Højskolebladet May issue.
Read the interview here (in Danish)

April 15, 2023
Marie, December 2022. Diary.

April 1, 2023
Hem has made a wonderful collaboration with glass artist Silje Lindrup as a part of their Hem X collection with limited edition items. Thanks for letting me photograph some of her process in a super cold barn in Northern Jutlan, DK.
See more at

February 25, 2023
I am very happy to invite you all to my exhibition 'Pæle i uopdyrket land' ('Stakes in Virgin Soil').
The exhibition is the first chapter in my attempt to understand parenthood a bit better. It works around the temporality in the first time after the birth of a child.
Prints by Pigment
Graphic design by Asger Behncke.

January 15, 2023
When I was looking through my harddrive for files for a project I rediscovered these images from Palestine 2016-2017.

December 24, 2022
Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for a beautiful 2022. See you next year for new adventures.
Jerusalem, 2018.

December 12, 2022
Composer, actor, comedian and singer Martin Brygmann. Photographed for Højskolebladet.
Whole interview online here (in Danish).
»”Du-du-du du-du duuu,” nynner Martin Brygmann, mens han skæver over sine to stykker smørrebrød på frokostrestauranten Aamanns i Carlsberg Byen i København.
Anslaget til nummeret En kort en lang, som var at finde i den 18. udgave af Højskolesangbogen, er et varsel om et velklingende omkvæd, der kommer senere.
”Det er helt afgørende at lave en god start på en sang. Man tirrer lige folk – bare rolig, der kommer et godt omkvæd lige om lidt – men vi tager lige et vers først,” fortæller Martin Brygmann, der fylder 60 år til januar, og som gennem sit voksne liv har leveret en lang række ”nynbare” sange på både dansk og engelsk.«
Text by Sofie Buch Hoyer.

November 29, 2022
Caught at Folkets Klimamarch Ebeltoft (People's Climate March Ebeltoft) a month ago by Titas Falkauskas. Several hundreds of people showed up in the small town of Ebeltoft to demand for climate action from the winner of the upcoming Parlament election.

October 25, 2022
An old mill farm on Syddjurs has been transformed to a new community house with farm shop and café, communal long table dinners, lectures, festival, talks, green gardens, a few holiday apartments and much more. It is called Havmøllen (The Sea Mill) and is one of my favourite places to come: to drink coffee, take a dip in the sea and be together. Therefore I was really happy when they commissioned me to photograph the life, values and surroundings of the place.

September 27, 2022
Geeti Amiri for new issue of Højskolebladet.
»Hvis vi skal have sosu’er, der kommer til orde i den offentlige debat, og som er med i de politiske beslutningsprocesser, når det gælder kampen for bedre løn- og arbejdsvilkår og ikke mindst anerkendelsen af deres fag – hvad så med at give dem de menneskelige redskaber til at blive hørt?«
Text by Sofie Buch Hoyer

September 12, 2022
A little spa time on Sylt, Germany for Financial Times HTSI Magazine.
Read the online piece here.
Text by Rosanna Dodds.
»Sylt, a crocodile-coloured smudge in the Frisian archipelago, has been dissolving into the ocean since it emerged as an island eight centuries ago. Each year approximately 1m of coastline is lost; it costs Germany an annual €10mn to pump the seabed back onto the shore. You can see the sediment sweeping across the wild heathland, over thatched roofs and out into the North Sea. Legend has it that visiting children have been asked to shake sand out of their shoes before leaving. Even sandcastles are said to be forbidden«

September 9, 2022
Exhibition documentation for Ebeltoft Kunsthal and their new exhibition O TILLI by Marie Kølbæk Iversen. The exhibition runs untill October 22th.
I O Tilli bringer Marie Kølbæk Iversen havfruer og havkale, tryk og tegninger, korværker, fabulering og strikkede sokker sammen i en udstilling, der via mytens og ritualets transformative kraft afsøger menneskehedens vekslende forhold til naturen.
Myter om havfolk er hyppigt forekommende i kystnære egne, hvor havets tilstand og luner har afgjort hele samfunds liv og skæbne. Her har havfolket symboliseret de dødes ånder i havet såvel som vandets egen kraft og vilje. Langs den jyske vestkyst kunne man gøre sig gode venner med havfolket ved at strikke dem vanter eller sokker. Så ville man blive advaret, hvis det blæste op til storm, eller havfolket kunne velsigne én med et garnnøgle, der aldrig ville slippe op, så længe man ikke profiterede på ulden.
Inde i landet finder man også ofte havfruen i arkæologiske fund og folkeminder, hvor hun optræder som fertilitetssymbol eller som repræsentant for de afdødes ånder og vandets agens. Her løber havfolket med regnen og underjordiske kilder for at tage bolig i planter og gravhøje, og informanter til folkemindesamleren Evald Tang Kristensen fortæller således, hvordan de på solrige dage har set en havfrue sidde i en gravhøj og lufte sit guld, mens hun redte sit hår. Ligeledes har den to-halede havfrue siden Babylons tid symboliseret den fødende kvinde, der med sit (foster-)vand viderefører livets og slægternes gang på jord.
I udstillingen O Tilli på Ebeltoft Kunsthal aktiverer Marie Kølbæk Iversen havfolkets mytologier ad to spor: Det ene tegner en historisk akse og baserer sig på folkeviser og sagn fra Vestjylland, indsamlet af Evald Tang Kristensen blandt andet hos Kølbæk Iversens tip-tip-tip-oldemor, Johanne Thygesdatter.
Udstillingens titel kommer fra formoderens sang om havfruen, der ‘danser o tilli’—dvs. spræller på gulvet som en fisk—efter at være blevet taget til fange af den danske dronning. Sangen blev optegnet i 1870’erne i forbindelse med hedens opdyrkning og kan læses som en kritisk kommentar til den danske nationalstats undertvingelse og indlemmelse af hedeegnene. Det andet spor arbejder med havfolke-figuren i sin moderne afmytologiserede inkarnation i form af den nordatlantiske hajart havkal—dvs. ‘havmand’—der er en hyppig bifangst i det kommercielle fiskeri og dermed repæsentant for den natur, der lægger krop til forbrugssamfundets overudnyttelse af naturressourcer.
På tværs af tryk, tegning, fortælling, sang og strik afsøger Marie Kølbæk Iversen menneskets skiftende forhold til naturens, havets og vandets ånder gennem tiderne, og spørger, hvordan vi som mennesker kan genforhandle vores aktuelle rovdriftsrelation til vores omgivelser.
Marie Kølbæk Iversen har samarbejdet med Lystbækgaard om at håndstrikke uldne sokker, der indgår i installationen af tegninger og tryk monteret på glas-staffelier skabt af Pettersen & Hein. Derudover tæller udstillingen også udgivelsen af Kølbæk Iversens pan-mytologiske komposit-fabel Birth of Muspelina (designet af Alexis Mark), samt opførsel og plade-lancering af korværket Gravitational Shift, der er skabt af Katinka Fogh Vindelev i samarbejde med Marie Kølbæk Iversen.

August 25, 2022
Kaliningrad 2019.

June 15, 2022
“As a journalist I see myself as a bouncer at a suburban disco. I make sure that the worst guests doesn’t enter”. Author, international correspondent and tv-host Stéphanie Surrugue.
Photographed for Højskolebladet.
Text by Sofie Buch Hoyer
Magazine out now..

June 9, 2022
A selection of new promotion pictures of musician, composer and trompeter Niels Munk. In January 2021 he released his debut album on Jaeger Community Music. He is a heavenly giftet and with something at heart - check him out where you usually stream your music or by via Jaeger Community.
At the moment he is finishing new material that will be released early 2023.

June 6, 2022
Recently photographed exhibition view of Claus Haxholm' solo exhibition 'Som natmørkt hav' at Ebeltoft Kunsthal - open May 15 - June 18.

May 2, 2022
Musician and writer Henrik Marstal photographed for Højskolebladet. The magazine is out on Monday.
»The Folk High Schools can be a part of shedding a light on the meaning of a majority’s society. To ask: what does it mean to be heterosexual, white and cis gender. What does it mean to be a person who has never experienced discrimination or racism - never has been made suspicious due to outer social characteristics? And how do you as a majority’s society exercise your influence or power on other people?«
Text by Sofie Buch Hoyer.

April 6, 2022
Many thanks to KBH Film & Fotoskole for inviting me to talk about my work and thoughts on photography yesterday.
Photo by Mette Juul.

April 4, 2022
Winter Tree, 2021.

March 30, 2022
The Negev Desert, 2018.

March 15, 2022
As a part of The Danish Art Council's 'House Artist Program' I was invited by The Animation Workshop and Viborg Gymnasium & HF to teach the Visual HF class in photography. In the two weeks we worked with camera technique and creative methods as a way to approach the unpredictable.

February 4, 2022
Invitation to Open Studio.
When: February 10th 20:30
Where: Villa Lundberg at Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft.
I will share work in progress and general thoughts on my work.
Also get the chance to meet my studio neighbours and artists in residence at Malt AIR Ludovic Beillard (FR) and Mahbub Jokhio (PK).

January 20, 2022
Ditte Gantriis is such an incredible artist and I had the pleasure to document her exhibition Café Livmoder (Café Uterus) as a part of Kunsthal Aarhus' exhibition GO EXTREME .

January 14, 2022
Photography is best when it goes out and live in the world. Therefore I am launching a January Print Sale with these two prints.
I will print a maximum of 25 each. All prints are signed.
Printed on A3 on beautiful Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper.
Email for orders:
Dkkr. 900 / € 120 + shipping.
Shipping to DK: kr. 50. Shipping to EU: €10. Prints will be shipped beginning of February.

December 8, 2021
Amalfi memories, 2019.

November 28, 2021

October 28, 2021
Impressions from a train trip from Aarhus to Copenhagen earlier this month.

August 18, 2021
The truly amazing pop star Asbjørn photographed for August issue of Højskolebladet (DK).
Extract from the article in Danish. Words by Sofie Buch Hoyer.
Opvæksten på højskolerne i Testrup og senere Ry var ifølge Asbjørn Toftdahl Terkelsen med til at redde hans barndom. Musikalsk blev han i hjemmet flasket op med Paul Simon, Sting og polyrytmik, mens han selv fandt inspiration i Spice Girls, Destiny’s Child, Britney Spears og senere Robyn. Lige præcis den kombination af musik, bevægelse og dans satte gang i hans flagrende krop og gav ham i en tidlig alder modet til at udtrykke sig frit, hvor end han var.
“Jeg er vokset op med den kropslighed og intuition, der hersker på en højskole. Højskolen er et sted, hvor man hele tiden er i bevægelse. Personligt, fordi man siger ja til at blive et ‘vi’ i stedet for et ‘jeg’. Og i fællesskab, fordi man konstant bevæger sig sammen og bliver bevæget af hinanden,” siger Asbjørn og fortsætter:
“Jeg har altid danset mig vej gennem tilværelsen. Jeg kan mærke, hvad der er rigtigt, når jeg bevæger mig og bruger min krop.”
Read the full article online here.

July 17, 2021
Happy to photograhp installation views for the newly opened Ebeltoft Art Hall.
On the photos work by: Cecilia Gröberg & Jonas (J) Magnusson and Rolf Nowotny.

May 12, 2021
My contribution to Visual Wanderings by the Norwegian photographic platform Objektiv.
This is a collage made by a software error in my Photoshop and moderated by me. The original image is of a wildfire close to my childhood neighbourhood from where I spend most of the first lockdown in the spring of 2020. Both the wildfire, the pandemic and the software error reminds me of forces outside the human influence.
Objektiv invites photographers from all over the world to create art that responds to our new situation: what does the lock-down mean for their work, what is important for them to convey, and what are their reflections on the time to come? Contributions can take any form, from a photograph to words, a series of pictures or a meme.
Thanks a lot to Nina Strand from Objektiv and to Tobias Nicolai for inviting me along on this fine project.

March 20, 2021
From recent walks. A little quiet at the moment.

February 1, 2021
A dig into the archives - a dip into the sea. Jesper, Århus, 2012.

January 19, 2021
I am happy to see an extract of my ongoing project AIR/SPACE published in the Norwegian magazine Filologen’s ‘Border’ issue.
This part of the photographic essay was shot within the geographical frame of Kaliningrad Region and investigates the human attempt and fascination to defy gravity and own the sky.

January 1, 2021
Happy New Year to everybody! Let's make 2021 the most loving and caring so far.

December 14, 2020
Ten years ago I met a talented young man with a guitar and something important to say. He had just started the band Ulige Numre and needed some band pictures. We collaborated on several occasions after that; did PR photos and I followed him and his band on tour. We also did their first two music videos together. Their first single 'København' became an instant classic and since then Carl Emil Petersen has written songs that are now dear to all of Denmark. He will celebrate his first decade on the Danish music scene with a tour in 2021. It's nostalgic to see one of my old portraits of him on the tour poster.
See tour dates and links for tickets at his facebook page.

November 15, 2020
The Danish band Songs for Swimming just released two new singles. Melancholic but yet uplifting. Just what you need in November. I am happy to see my photograph on the art work.

November 11, 2020
The radio show Nattely on national youth radio Radio Loud, asked me about the magic and nostalgia of analog photography. I had a nice chat with the hosts about technique, mistakes and the excitement of picking up your analog films from development.
Listen here on Spotify (In Danish).
Photo from my project Hüzün.

November 5, 2020
Since the 9th of August, the brave Belarusian people all across the country have been fighting for freedom and justice.
I am happy to support the print sale at Photographers Against Oppression alongside great and talentet people such as Martin Parr, Daniella Zalcman, Anastasia Taylor-Lind and many others.
This is a chance to buy a beautiful photographic print for a great price and support the Belarus Solidarity Fundation BYSOL .
Buy the print here.

October 13, 2020
I am happy to launch my new website. It has been a true pleasure to work with Rasmus Svane and his fellow co-workers at Spine Studio.

September 1, 2020
A little miracle from early summer.

August 12, 2020
Thanks to Athens Photo Festival for shortlisting my project Air/Space for the 2020 edition

June 11, 2020
Aminata Amanda Coor shot for Norwegian Morgenbladet. Thanks to picture editor Christina Ulriksen for the trust.

May 20, 2020
Flashback to photographic workshop with social housing project Nivå Nu and Krogerup Højskole.

May 1, 2020
Notes from quarantine. See more on my IG: @kasperpalsnov

April 16, 2020
My quarantine workspace. Working on assignments and own projects. Try to keep inspired by reading and purchasing new photo books.
Stay safe everyone. See you soon!

March 11, 2020
Keep making your flick-flacks forever. Amalfi Coast, April 2019.

February 13, 2020
Silkeborg, September 2019.

February 7, 2020
Love these small mistakes when shooting analog. Outtake from recent project shot in Kaliningrad, spring 2019.

February 2, 2020
A few impressions from a short trip to Iceland, May 2019.

February 1, 2020
Winner of Weekendavisen’s Literature Prize 2020, archeologist and writer Jeanette Varberg. Happy to be a part of the first issue of the re-design of this classic, Danish weekly. Read the article here (in Danish).

January 23, 2020
The wonderful color and textile designer Margrethe Odgaard - shot for Wallpaper* February Issue. Thanks to Olivia for once again trusting me on this.
Assistant: Tilia Marlene Russel

January 8, 2020
In April 2019 I was in Kalingrad, Russia as a part of the Next to You Masterclass. The projects are now presented in a newspaper designed by Spine Studio. A big thanks to all participants for inspiration and good advice, and to Masters Jana Romanova and Mads Greve for important guidance.

November 27, 2019
Fritz Hansen HQ shot for M Le Magazine Du Monde.

October 23, 2019
Tel Aviv today.

September 26, 2020
Summer in Hofsós, Iceland. July 2019.

September 4, 2019
Heading to Unseen Amsterdam later this month. Let me know if you want to meet for a coffee or a beer: +45 22872650 (WhatsApp or iMessage). I will bring stuff to show you.

July 30, 2019
‘Phoenix’ by Farshad Farzankia & Brdr. Krüger shot for Wallpaper* August issue. Thanks again to Olivia Hazeldine for the trust.

June 29, 2019
Riga Airport way too early in the morning. April 2019.

June 20, 2019
Earlier this year I was granted a two-week scholarship at the Danish art and science residency San Cataldo in Italy. The scholarship took place in April where I continued my work on my photo book ‘SALT’. Thanks a lot to the board of San Cataldo for giving me this beautiful opportunity to delve into my work with the most beautiful view.

April 19, 2019
It was such a pleasure to do a talk at Vorota Art Space in Kaliningrad a few weeks ago. Thanks a lot to everyone who showed up and to Olga for translating.
Photo by Alexander Lubomirskiy.

April 16, 2019
Vitaly in Kaliningrad earlier this month.

April 15, 2019
Icelandic/Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. Shot for Wallpaper* May issue.